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  • mdmaskeraid

NAMASTE at home

You all already know, from personal experience, that this has been a stressful time for a lot of people. Many have turned to activities that provide them with comfort, stress-relief, and hope for the future, such as painting, dancing, reading, or yoga. Vinyasa yoga, often termed “flow” yoga, is one way for people to get their body moving and give their body a much-needed break from the trials of working from home on the couch. This form of yoga is particularly grounding during this time, because it allows you to connect deeply to your needs and focus on what is most important to you.

MD MASKerAID took initiative to host a virtual yoga experience: Namaste At Home to raise funds for MD MASKerAID and give folks an opportunity to stretch their legs in a fun way! Raising funds help our volunteers make reusable masks and distribute them freely to DC hospitals and surrounding areas of the DMV.

Namaste At Home was led by the wonderful yoga instructor, Molly Cox, who volunteered to support the efforts of MD MASKerAID by guiding a one hour long virtual vinyasa yoga session. Molly graduated from Mimi Rieger and Derek Cook’s 200-hour Teacher Training program at Flow Yoga Center. She is a firm believer that we can do hard things without being hardened people. We can do hard things beautifully, and the practice of yoga can help us move through challenges with breath and grace.

12 participants joined this mind-body balancing yoga session raising over $200! Several donations were also received through Go Fund Me. We greatly appreciate your generous contributions and support that allow us to continue to serve DMV hospitals and community by sewing and distributing masks according to the CDC guidelines.

Please follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to keep up with our efforts or reach out if you are interested in being involved with us! We always love to hear ideas for new initiatives and feedback on our donated masks and service.

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